Case studies of the e-conference on successes and failures in Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resource Management
Here you find all the cases which were presented by experts in the field of Gender Mainstreaming during the proceedings of the e-conference series of that took place in 2002.
Message 22 from Dr. Julie Woodfield: case studies on hygiene activities
- These are part of a research project called 'Practical guide to mainstreaming gender in water projects - guidelines for engineers and managers'.
Message 23 from Dr. Julie Woodfield: cases on solid waste management
- These are part of a research project called 'Practical guide to mainstreaming gender in water projects - guidelines for engineers and managers'.
Message 24 from, Dr. Julie Woodfield: cases on irrigation
- These are part of a research project called 'Practical guide to mainstreaming gender in water projects - guidelines for engineers and managers'.
Message 25 From Dr. Julie Woodfield: cases on urban upgrading
- These are part of a research project called 'Practical guide to mainstreaming gender in water projects - guidelines for engineers and managers'.
Message 26 from Dr. Julie Woodfield: cases on emergencies
- These are part of a research project called 'Practical guide to mainstreaming gender in water projects - guidelines for engineers and managers'.
Message 28 from Visscher, J.T., and Werff, K. van de: case on Women and Technical training
- Visscher, J.T., and Werff, K. van de (1995). Towards Sustainable Water Supply: Eight Years of Experiences from Guinea Bissau, The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
Message 29 from Wijk, Christine van: Overcoming female exclusion in Indonesia
- Wijk, Christine van (2001). The Best of Two Worlds? Methodology for Participatory Assessment of Community Water Services. IRC Technical Paper Series 38, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, Netherlands.
Message 30 from Espejo, N.: Private Water Vendors
- Espejo, N. (1993). Gender and the Management of Drinking Water Supply in Low Income Urban Communities in Latin America. The Hague, The Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
Message 31 from Van Ingen, T. and Kawau, C: Gender and the Protection of Freshwater Resources
- Van Ingen, T. and Kawau, C. (undated). Involvement of Women in Planning and Management in Tanga, Region, Tanzania, IUCN, The World Conservation Union.
Message 32 from Madougou, Labo: Building gender awareness, knowledge and skills
- Madougou, Labo (1995). Programme Hydraulique Villageoise Conseil de l'Entente Pays Bas Phase III. Contribution au séminaire sur la gestion des relations hommes femmes. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 13-31 Mars. Niamey, Niger, Conseil de l'Entente.
Message 33 from Wijk, Christine van: A women's project or equality of women and men?
- Wijk, Christine van (2001). The Best of Two Worlds? Methodology for Participatory Assessment of Community Water Services. IRC Technical Paper Series 38, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft, Netherlands.
Message 34 from Koppen, Barbara van: Gender and Water rights
- Koppen, Barbara van (1997). Waterbeheer en armoedeverlichting. Wageningen, the Netherlands, Department of Irrigation and Soil Conservation.
Message 35 from Jordans, E and Zwartveen, M: Gender and Poverty Alleviation
- Jordans, E and Zwartveen, M (1997). A Well of One Own, Gender Analysis of an Irrigation Program in Bangladesh. Bangladesh, International Irrigation Management Institute and Grameen Krishi Foundations, International Water Management Institute.
Message 36 from Dr.Smita Mishra Panda: Case of Self Employed Women's Association's (SEWA) Water Campaign in Gujarat
- Derived from the White Paper on Water in Gujarat, by IRMA and Unicef, 2001 (Engendering Water Policy: The State, NGOs and Gendered Outcomes in Rural Gujarat), and IRMA working paper number 137, by Sara Ahmed.
Message 37 from Bhuban B Bajracharya: Livestock development in Nepal
Message 38 from Hanan Al Amin: Gendered responisibilities in Sudan
Message 39 from Dr.Dolly Witterberger: Empowerment of women through Water Management
- The major findings of these projects were published in the International Journal of Water Resources Development (Special Issue on Women and Water,Vol.14,No.4, Dec.,1998.
Message 40 from Niala: Thank you for all case studies
Message 41 from Discussion Chair: Overview of all case-studies presented
Towards a Gender and Water Index