Policy influencing
Reports and manuals on mainstreaming gender in water policies and programmes.
Advocacy Manual for Gender & Water Ambassadors (2002)
- This Advocacy Manual has been developed to assist members of the Gender and Water Alliance who are involved in advocating for greater attention to gender issues within the water sector. The manual is principally aimed at "Gender Ambassadors" whose role is to influence debates in international and national water conferences and similar events, as well as in relation to national water policy development, implementation and monitoring. The manual includes guidelines on lobbying, speeches and conferences, a training module and case studies
Gender Perspectives on Policies in the Water Sector (2003)
- This Gender and Water Development Report for 2003 analyses gender mainstreaming in policies related to the water for people, water for food, water for nature and sanitation sectors.
Gender Responsiveness in ADB Water Policies and Projects (2006)
- Report by H. Derbyshire on the gender review of ADB water operations jointly conducted by the Gender and Water Alliance and the Asian Development Bank. This Gender Scan examined the Gender responsiveness of water-related loans of the Asian Development Bank between 1995-2000.
Policy Development Manual (2003)
- This manual provides guidelines designed to help development organisations - government, donor or civil society - concerned with water management or service delivery to develop gender policies appropriate to their own organisational context. The Guidelines have been developed in response to demand from GWA member organisations – but will provide useful information to staff in any organisation striving to address gender issues in their work.