Capacity building
Final documents on capacity building programmes as well as training material and manuals developed by GWA.
- Tutorial for Water Managers: Why Gender Matters (2014)
- Together with CapNet GWA has developed a self learning tool for water professionals and others interested in or responsible for managing water resources. This was published first in 2006, and has now been revised and updated. The tutorial wants to show how addressing gender will improve efficiency of water use and environmental sustainability. Therefore this tutorial first deals with the general concepts of gender and gender mainstreaming and then specifies to look at the following water sectors: drinking water, sanitation, agriculture and environment (including climate change). But apart from the "why" the tutorial also deals with the "how" of gender mainstreaming. To this end a quick-guide has been included at the beginning of the Tutorial, and in every chapter references and links to manuals, tools, resource centres and case studies are included.
Training Module on Gender and Waste: "No Capacity to Waste" (2010)
- The objectives of this module are: To provide basic knowledge on gender issues; To provide basic knowledge on gender and empowerment; To train skills in analysing current practices on gender; To provide some ideas on how to mainstream gender in waste management; To provide basic exercises on gender. The target audience of the module are: Trainers of practitioners, i.e. staff of non-governmental organisations, local government staff, consultants, university staff, and others that are involved in the field of sustainable solid waste management.
- Podcast of GWA Chair's lecture at ANU Asia Pacific Week 2009
- On 27 January 2009 GWA Chairperson - Mrs Sara Ahmed - delivered a lecture " Reforming Water, Transforming Women" to a large gathering of scholars at the Australian National University as part of their Asia Pacific Week 2009 event. To download the podcast of Sara Ahmed's lecture, visit this link and scroll down the page to the podcast of 27 January 2009 titled: "Asia Pacific Week 2009 - 04: Reforming Water, Transforming Women: Does Gender Matter in Water Management in Asia and the Pacific?". Please be aware that the podcast is a large file (20 MB) and may take a long time to download depending on your internet speed.
- Training of Trainers Package: Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resources Management (2002)
- The Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resources Managment (IWRM) Training of Trainers (ToT) Package was developed in 2002, based on material and documentation of global experiences provided by various organizations and individuals. Here you can download the complete ToT course free of charge. Please acknowledge GWA when using or copying material from the ToT package. We would very much appreciate receiving feedback on this resource at:
- Empowerment for Gender Equality
- This folder contains guidelines and tools, produced by GWA, about the empowerment approach, which can be used to carry out gender assessment, gender audit and other action-research actions that pursue to empower marginalized groups.