Gender and Water Alliance

GWA Activities

The activities of GWA are concentrated around 5 outputs:

  1. The strenghtening of the network itself
  2. Recording and sharing of knowledge and information on gender mainstreaming in the water sector
  3. Increasing capacity to mainstream gender in IWRM
  4. Advocacy for the incorporation of gender issues in the development and implementation of regional and national water-related policies and other policy influencing initiatives
  5. Reinforcing the international and global profile of gender equity issues in the water sector

By clicking on one of the outputs above a sample of past and current activities can be accessed related to that output. An overview of all activities of GWA in a respective year can be found by looking at the annual plans and progress reports

GWA also has some large programmes that cover more than one of the five outputs mentioned above:

  1. The Gender and Water Programme Bangladesh: GWAPB
  2. Gender Mainstreaming in Transboundary Water Management in SADC

By clicking the programme you can learn more about it.

Training of trainers

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