Gender and Water Alliance

Message 24: Patricia Kabatabazi

Patricia Kabatabazi highlights that inadequate analysis of stakeholders is one of the main issues that challenge the integration of gender concerns into water management for agriculture.

Why is it important to mainstream a gender perspective in agricultural water management?

1- Mainstreaming gender brings equal roles towards water management in agriculture.

2- It brings community to know that they own water and they are responsible to use it sustainably when they no differences.

3- Brings agreements between women and men, solves conflicts.

What are the real issues that challenge the integration of gender concerns into water management and agriculture?

1- Lack of funds to carry out awareness to communities.

2- Lack of stakeholder analysis

3- Lack of networking with developing countries.

Why is gender not mainstreamed in water management in agriculture?

1- Lack of knowledge and awareness especially in developing countries because of having no facilitation in carrying out workshops and practicals.

2- Lack of funders who can facilitate workshops (poverty).

3- Lack of follow ups after a project has been done.

Training of trainers

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