Gender and Water Alliance

GWA activities and products

GWA activities and products related to Gender and Fisheries and Coastal Management.
Title Description
From fishing to farming: Land and water resource management at Katosi landing site, Lake Victoria, Uganda By: Margaret Nakato, Source Bulletin May 2007
File Gender and Eco-based Marine Management 2018 GWA wrote this document invited by UNEnvironment. We asked our members for experience about this subject, because information is rare. This document introduces ...
File Gender and Water Poverty: Salinity in Rampal and Saronkhola, Bagerhat The NGO Voice of South Bangladesh conducted a study in two unions of Bagerhat district, in the Coastal Belt, where salinity is increasing as a result of various...
File Gender and Water Poverty: Salinity in Rampal and Saronkhola, Bagerhat The NGO Voice of South Bangladesh conducted a study in two unions of Bagerhat district, in the Coastal Belt, where salinity is increasing as a result of various...
File Message 31 from Van Ingen, T. and Kawau, C: Gender and the Protection of Freshwater Resources Van Ingen, T. and Kawau, C. (undated). Involvement of Women in Planning and Management in Tanga, Region, Tanzania, IUCN, The World Conservation Union.
File Policy Brief: Gender in Aquaculture This policy brief highlights why a gender sensitive approach in aquaculture is crucial to sustainable and gender equitable growth and development in Bangladesh,...
File Senegal: Role of Women in a Model of Community Management of Fish Resources and Marine Environments, Cayar Case study from the Resource Guide on Gender and IWRM on gender, fisheries and coastal zone management.
File Tanzania: Gender and the Protection of Freshwater Resources Case study from the Resource Guide on Gender and IWRM on gender and fisheries.
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