Gender and Water Alliance

Message 42: Jaime Hoogesteger

Jaime Hoogesteger writes that operationalisation of minimum agenda should be determined on a case by case basis. This would perhaps avoid the problem of having a list of gender neutral check boxes.

What should be done to effectively mainstream gender in water management in agriculture?

First of all create awareness and raise the issue. Only if people are conscious of the existing gender patterns and relations will they be able to work with them and if desired mold or adapt them.

What are the feasible steps that need to be taken by the different stakeholders on the ground and at different levels of decision making/intervention?

This is site and context specific and depends on the goals that are followed. Different goals will need different strategies and different ways of dealing with the challenges, so the first step is to define which goals will be pursued (equity, better health standards, economic development, etc, etc.). Once the goals are defined then you can look at feasible steps to be taken by the different stakeholders on the ground and at different levels.

How do we operationalise some of the steps proposed in the minimum agenda?

Difficult question as it is very much bound to the context so it is hard to define these without setting out blue print approaches. Ethical principles of equality, justices, same chances for all, equal access to services, ect. might be good milestones to establish but how to get there…I think it must be defined within every specific context.

Jaime Hoogesteger

Wageningen University

Training of trainers

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