Gender and Water Alliance

GWA speaks out: interviews with GWA members and staff at the 5th World Water Forum

The presence of GWA did not go unnoticed at the 5th World Water Forum, and many members were asked for an interview. Some of these can be read or even seen by clicking the links below.
Critical Role of Women in World Water Issues is Missing, Advocates Say
Article by Tasha Eichenseher of "National Geographic" with interview quotes of Executive Director Joke Muylwijk and YouTube videos of GWA members Fadia Daibes Murad and Meena Bilgi.
Environment: Coping in a World of "Peak Water"
Article by Nastassja Hoffet of IPS, mentioning GWA and gender issues.
Linking Water, Conflict, Gender, and Migration: Day 2 at the World Water Forum
Jennifer Hattam for "Treehugger", includes statements made by Steering Committee member Kuntala Lahiri Dutt and GWA member Wasim Wagha as part of their involvement in session 1.2.
Forum Fails to Declare Clean Water "a Human Right"
Excerpt of the statement of GWA Chair Sara Ahmed during the closing ceremony of the 5th World water Forum.
Highlights of World Water Forum, 19 March
Pictures of GWA chair Sara Ahmed as panelist in Wrap up session of theme 1: Global Change and Risk Management
Q&A: Women's Special Water Needs Find Voice
Interview of Hilmi Toros of IPS news service with Executive Director Joke Muylwijk.
Women speak out: 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul
A write up by Amy Hart of "MaximsNews Network", with interview excerpts with GWA members Shamsun Nahar and Senior Programme Officer Christine Verheijden, and a photo of Shamsun as well as one of GWA members at our stall in Istanbul.
Training of trainers

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