Session: "Gender mainstreaming and Water for Growth and Development: Diversity as an Agent of Change"
GWA convened a session with the title “Gender Mainstreaming and Water for Growth and Development: Diversity as an Agent of Change”. Seven local actions were presented during the session with a wide geographical range and describing actions at local level as well as at state level. The actions were commented upon by seven different experts, and after that some time for discussion with the participants of the session was left. Here you can find the powerpoint presentations and report of this session.
Session report
Presentation: La agenda Azul de las Mujeres (in Spanish)
- Powerpoint Presentation by Karla Priego, Mexico (Pdf-format)
Presentation: Gender Intermediation in Uboma, Nigeria: a model for sustainable access to clean water for the rural poor
- Powerpoint presentation by Joachim Ibeziako Ezeji, Nigeria (Pdf-format)
Presentation: Mainstreaming gender perspective in Integrated Water Resources Management Policies: Brazil case study
- Powerpoint presentation by Ninon Machado, Brasil (Pdf-format)
Presentation: Gender in multiple-use water services
- Powerpoint presentation by Barbara van Koppen, South Africa (Pdf-format)
Presentation: The Altos Menga Community Experience in Establishing Simplified Sewerage Systems with a Gender Focus in Urban Periphery Sectors in Santiago de Cali, Colombia
- Powerpoint presentation by María Lilly Marín de Jaramillo, Colombia (Pdf-format)
Presentation:Gender Mainstreaming in the Water Sector in South Africa: The Masibambane Sector wide programme
- Powerpoint presentation by Barabara Schreiner, South Africa (Pdf-format)
Presentation: Las Mujeres y la Pluviometría de la cuenca alta del Noroeste de la República Argentina (in Spanish)
- Presentation by Hebe Barber, Argentina (Pdf-format)