Gender and Water Alliance

Gender in Court

The Gender and Water Alliance brings its work in mainstreaming gender “to court” at the Gender and Water Session in the 3rd World Water Forum.
Announcement "Gender in Court"
The Gender and Water Alliance brings its work in mainstreaming gender “to court” at the Gender and Water Session in the 3rd World Water Forum. After 3 years of hard work to mainstream gender in water and sanitation policies, institutions, programmes and projects it is time to assess the results.
Opening Address - Gender in Court
By H. E. Ambassador Priscilla Jana, South Africa Ambassador to the Netherlands
Summary of Case Studies in "Gender in Court" at 3rd World Water Forum
Commitments Made at the Gender Court
After the session "Gender in Court" some governements and institutions expressed the following commitments to Gender mainstreaming in the water sector.
File Report on "Gender in Court"- 3rd WWF
The session was organized by the Gender and Water Alliance in collaboration with several other organizations working actively to promote gender within the water and sanitation sector. During this innovative session, a mock trial was used to analyze the impact of gender approaches in water and sanitation policies, institutions, and programmes.
File Gender Theme Statement
Official report for the World Water Forum including commitments from "Gender in Court" session
File Appendix to Gender Theme Statement
Training of trainers

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