Gender Mainstreaming in the UN-Habitat "Water for African Cities" Programme
In the second phase of the UN-Habitat "Water for African Cities Programme", GWA has assisted UN-Habitat in developing and implementing the gender mainstreaming strategy in the seventeen African cities that participated in this programme. GWA facilitators in each of these cities supported the organization of stakeholder platforms who together with utilities, civil society organizations, government departments and residents, developed comprehensive city Rapid Gender Assessment Reports. This process led to the development of work plans for most of the cities, which have the scope for actual change on the ground for many poor women, children and men.
- Short film on Gender Mainstreaming in Water and Sanitation in African Cities
- This link leads to a short film explaining the importance of gender mainstreaming in Water and sanitation and the cooperation between GWA and UN-Habitat in the "Water for African Cities" programme.
- Follow-up of Rapid Gender and Pro-Poor Assessments: Gender mainstreaming training workshops organised in 14 African cities of WAC II
- The Major emerging issues from the Rapid Gender and Pro-poor Assessments were that even though governments have political commitment and will to the achievement of gender sensitive water and sanitation related objectives, the implementation of these objectives has been hampered. To address this, UN-HABITAT’s WSIB in partnership with GWA undertook 14 gender training workshops for WAC II implementing partners, water and sanitation utilities, and WATSAN decision and policy makers
- Navigating Gender in African cities
- Compilation report of the 17 Rapid Gender Assessments that were done in the African cities that joined the "Water for African Cities Programme II"
The 22nd quarterly of UN-Habitat's programme: Water for Cities
- Attached is the 22nd quarterly of UN-Habitat's programme: Water for Cities. The lead article is by Prabha Khosla, and discribes the GWA efforts to mainstream gender in the Water for African Cities programme. The work took place in a participatory manner, involving many stakeholders in 17 cities. Comprehensive RGA Reports were written by 17 GWA members in these cities.
- Expert Group Meeting for the Water for African Cities phase II (WACII) Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Initiative
- As part of the partnership agreement between GWA and UN-Habitat, the first Expert Group Meeting of the Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Initiative of the UN-Habitat Water for African Cities II Programme took place between 13th and 17th of June 2005 in Mombasa, Kenya.