Gender and Water Alliance

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)

Susana logoMotivated by the UN's decision to declare 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation (IYS), a number of organisations active in the field of sanitation decided in 2007 to form an open network on Sustainable Sanitation to support the IYS. The Gender and Water Alliance has joined the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance at its start in 2007.

GWA participated in developing a joint road map of sustainable sanitation related activities for the IYS which consisted mainly of a series of thematic working groups that jointly elaborated a range of publications on sustainable sanitation issues, organised or contributed to international events and contributed to develop new funding instruments as well as sustainable sanitation capacity building and program initiatives. GWA was involved in ensuring a gender persepective in these activities.

After the year 2008 the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) evolved into an informal network of partner organisations who share a common vision on sustainable sanitation. SuSanA works as a coordination platform, working platform, sounding board, contributor to policy dialogue on sustainable sanitation and as a “catalyst” among members and partner organisations.

For more information about SuSanA please visit their website

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