Gender and Water Alliance

Dr Eldis Camargo Santos

Professor of Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, Itu, Brazil

Eldis Camargo Santos

Eldis specializes in Environmental Education and has a Masters in Environmental Law, Doctorate in Electric Energy and a Postdoctoral degree in Human rights. Her work is in the area of Gender and Water resources, largely based on international and national legal precepts.

From 2003 to 2017 she represented the National Water Agency in the Gender Committee of the Ministry of Environment in Brazil. During this time she participated in the group that implemented the Gender Ordinance of the National Water Agency.

Eldis has publications on Gender and Water and has participated and facilitated many courses and seminars on the topic, including during the 8th World Water Forum.

She is committed to sustainable development and integrated water resources management and wants to work on these subjects while focusing on GWA's institutional policies and precepts.

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