Gender and Water Alliance

Bipasha Chakma

Programme Officer UNDP, Bangladesh

Bipasha Chakma

Bipasha belongs to an indigenous ethnic group of the Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT) region of Bangladesh. She has been working with UNDP Bangladesh for 14 years. She has more than 15 years of experience in human rights, communications, networking, media relations and advocacy. She has two Masters degrees - one in Sociology from Dhaka International University, which she gained in 2000, and the other in Community Planning and Development, which she gained in Australia in 2009 (through an AusAID scholarship)

Bipasha works in research, communication and advocacy in Bangladesh, and has demonstrated strong leadership and strategic planning skills in promoting indigenous rights, heading multi-media campaigns and acting as a media spokesperson.

She has been an active member of GWA since 2006, and aims to strengthen the member network and raise funds for GWA activities in Bangladesh during her term as SC member.

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