Gender and Water Alliance
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File Message 38 from Hanan Al Amin: Gendered responisibilities in Sudan
Located in GWA Products / / Case studies / Case studies of the e-conference on successes and failures in Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resource Management
File South Asia: Addressing Water and Poverty at the Grassroots
Case Study from the Resource Guide on Gender and IWRM on Area Water Partnerships and Women and Water Networks in South Asia, a study on Gender, water and poverty
Located in GWA Products / Knowledge on gender and water / Case studies
File GWA ensures the integration of gender issues in national training on IWRM in Rwanda, July 2008
GWA ensures the integration of gender issues in national training on IWRM in Rwanda, July 2008 The national training workshop on Concepts and Principles of IWRM took place in Rwanda from 14th to 18th July 2008. It was organised by the Rwanda Chapter of Nile IWRM-Net and hosted by the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in close collaboration with the Rwanda Ministry of Natural Resources. The implementation was made possible with financial support and human resources contributions from Cap-Net, GWA and SNV-Rwanda. GWA was invited to include and facilitate gender mainstreaming issues related to IWRM and its stakeholders. 27 participants from Rwanda and 2 from Burundi participated in the training. In this illustrated workshop report you can read more on objectives, the training modules, the day-to-day programme and the detailed evaluation results.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training workshops
File Narrative Report on the Regional Workshop Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM in Southeast Asia, November 2007, Siem Reap, Cambodia
The Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming Gender in Integrated Water Resource Management in Southeast Asia was held in Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia, from 26 to 29 November 2007. The workshop was orgnaised by CamboNet with the Department of Planning and spupported by CapNet/AguaJaring, the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA), the Mekong River Commission (MRC) and M-Power and attended by 35 participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The report explains that this workshop was implemented as a direct follow up on the recommendations resulting from GWA/Asian Institute of Technology, Regional Strategic Planning Workshop on gender and IWRM, held at AIT in July 2007 in Bangkok. It further summarizes the programme with a detailed overview of the expected outcomes and results and elaborates on the workshop evaluation. The 4 annexes of the report contain the detailed workshop curriculum day by day, the proposed Regional Action Plan for Gender Mainstreaming in IWRM, totalling a number of 63 country-level project titles, and the opening and closing speeches ad verbatim.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training workshops
File Report on the Gender, Water and Equity Training workshop October 2008, Goa, India
GWA joined the Tata Institute for Social Sciences, SaciWaters, and Soppecom to support the organization of this 5 days training programme, which was held from 20-24 October 2008 in Goa, India.The training was the first in a series of workshops as part of the “Crossing Boundaries: Regional Capacity Building on IWRM & Gender and Water project” and 29 participants from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Buthan and Nepal participated in the event. The reports starts with the organisation and preparation process, which includes practical tips for those who want to organise a workshop themselves. The second part of the report describes the course day by day and session by session with ample attention for each session’s key points. Apart from gender concepts, current debates about water rights, the course elaborated on gender concerns in key water sectors, like irrigation, domestic water, sanitation and hygiene, in particular menstrual hygiene management. The third section of the report gives an overview of the exercises and activities carried out by the participants. The report continues with an interesting summary of the participants’ comments on the various workshop topics and sessions. It ends with the assessment of the training by the core team. These last two sections hold valuable lessons on (sensitive) contents as well as on training techniques. The daily workshop schedule and detailed evaluation of the workshop can be found in its annexes.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training workshops
File First Arab Region ToT Workshop: Gender Mainstreaming in IWRM
From 26 November- 02 December 2007, GWA conducted its first regional Training of Trainers course in Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resources Management for the Arab region, in Tunisia. The course was hosted by the Center for Arab Women Training and Research (CAWTAR) in Tunis, and organized in collaboration with AWARENET, Cap-Net, IDRC/WaDImena and GEWAMED. The TOT course aimed to strengthen the capacity of trainers and increase the number of trainers in the Arab Region that can effectively train others in Gender mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resources Management. A total of 13 women and 6 men coming from Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen participated very enthusiastically in the course. By the end of the course the participants had produced 15 action plans on mainstreaming gender in IWRM in their own countries. This report describes and reviews the many issues involved with course preparations, provides the 7 days programme schedule with the sessions and experiences; and gives a detailed account on lessons learned with recommendations for future courses.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training of Trainers
File Regional ToT Workshop: GENDER and IWRM
Together with the Institute for Environment and Water, GWA organized this 5 days training workshop in Limuru, Kenya from 25 till 29 November 2007. It was attended by thirty one participants (20 women and 11 men) drawn from the Civil Society Organizations and Networks, Ministry of Water (Kenya), various New Water Sector Institutions implementing reforms, consultants and other representatives from various institutions. The report describes in detail the contents of most of the sessions, like key gender concepts, social constructs of gender and four different frameworks for disaggregated gender analysis. A lot of content is exemplified through specific reference to-, and cases from the local situation in Kenya. Moreover the report explains and compares a great number of facilitation methods and elaborates on the particulars of the group work and plenary discussions.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training of Trainers
File Western Africa Regional ToT workshop: Understanding Gender in IWRM
With support of GWA, the African Initiative for Environment Sustainable Network (IFESNET-AFRICA) organized a regional ToT workshop in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria, from 14-20 September 2008. The main aims of the workshop were to build capacity and increase knowledge and understanding of gender in IWRM with the NGOs and State Governments in Southern Nigeria. IFESNET-AFRICA reports that this region is relatively neglected in development activities whereas the problems, especially as a result of water pollution, are immense. Apart from the detailed programme schedule, the report describes the session contents, the regional specific case studies, group exercises, the field visit and reviews the reactions of the participants in the ensuing discussions. The illustrated report can be downloaded here.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training of Trainers
File Regional ToT workshop Gender mainstreaming in IWRM for the Bangla-speakers from the two Bengals
A Regional ToT in Bangla language was designed by GWA and held in collaboration with Pradan at CINI Chetana Resource Centre in Poilan in the outskirts of Kolkata, India, from November 25 to December 1, 2008. The ToT was meant to fulfill a long felt need felt by those working in this part of India and in Bangladesh for gender mainstreaming in IWRM. It was intended to assist participants with knowledge and the resources on gender as an organizing principle of water management. It was the first time that such a 'cross-border' linguistic initiative on gender and water was undertaken between the two countries. The report can be downloaded here.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training of Trainers
File Second Arab Region ToT Workshop: Gender Mainstreaming in IWRM
The second Training of Trainers workshop on Gender and IWRM in the Arabic language was organised in Jordan from 1-7 November 2008. It was organised in partnership with Cap-net and AWARENET, and hosted by the Queen Zein al Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID) in Amman, Jordan. The 16 participants came from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Sudan and Yemen. Lessons learned from GWA’s first Arab Region TOT held in Tunis (Nov. 07) were applied in this workshop. More time was devoted for understanding of the gender concept, gender responsive budgeting, gender and sanitation, and linking these issues to the reality of the region. In addition specific attention was paid to practical exercises and tailor made training methods to provide the participants with the skills and tools to train others in gender mainstreaming in their countries’ water sector. The report describes the course programme from session to session; the animated discussions on gender perceptions; and explains through text and photographs the course methodology like the meta-plan technique, ranking exercises, role play on preparing a training course budget, and more.
Located in GWA Activities / Capacity building / Training of Trainers
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