Gender and Water Alliance

Capacity Building and Training Manual

The main objective of the capacity building component is to strengthen the knowledge and training skills of civil society organizations to implement selected SDGs in a gender responsive manner. To this end, the Gender and Water Alliance has developed and edited the Training Master Manual.
Bangladesh Capacity Building
The Women2030 programme in Bangladesh is led by the GWA-B (Gender and Water Alliance - Bangladesh). GWA-B has implemented four Capacity Building Workshops for the five partner CSOs. The partner CSOs have selected 3 SDGs, and gender indicators for each, which they monitor twice a year. The partner CSOs also have trained each 10 CBOs twice, related to the SDGs. Further all five Modules of the Training Master Manual are translated into Bangla.
Training Master Manual, the Bangla version
The Training Master Manual consists of 5 Modules, all directed at a number of selected SDGs and Gender. The Modules are: 1. Introduction and Concepts 2. Gender and SDGs 3. Training and Coaching Skills 4. Organisational skills for Gender Mainstreaming 5. Advocacy. All Modules have excercises, cases, examples and lists of resources.
Women2030 Training Master Manual, the English version
The manual TMM which is developed for the Women 2030 project, has 5 modules, all with excercises, examples, cases and resources. The focus is on Gender and 5 SDGs: 5 Gender equality, 6 WASH, 7 Energy, 13 Climate Action, and 15 Biodiversity.
Manual Maestro de Capacitación para capacitadores #Women2030: Reforzando conocimientos, habilidades y capacidades para implementar las ODS responsables a género
Este manual fue elaborado bajo el Programa #Women2030, una coalición de cinco organizaciones internacionales de redes de mujeres y género, para implementar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable con Equidad de Género y Justicia Climática. La coalición está conformada por: Mujeres Comprometidas por un Futuro Común (WECF por sus siglas en inglés), el Foro de Asia Pacifico sobre Mujeres, Ley y Desarrollo (APWLD), la Coalición Global de Bosques (GFC), el Programa de Mujeres y Medio Ambiente (WEP), y la Alianza de Género y Agua (GWA).
File Modulo 1. Espanol. Conceptos y enfoques..pdf
File Mód 2. Espanol.Integrando Género en los ODS.docx.pdf
File Mód 3.Español. Género-Capacitacion y Entrenamiento.pdf
File Mód 4.Español. Integrando género en las políticas de una organización.pdf
File Modulo 5 Incidencia con perspectiva de género final esp.pdf
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