Capacity Building and Training Manual
The main objective of the capacity building component is to strengthen the knowledge and training skills of civil society organizations to implement selected SDGs in a gender responsive manner. To this end, the Gender and Water Alliance has developed and edited the Training Master Manual.
- Bangladesh Capacity Building
- The Women2030 programme in Bangladesh is led by the GWA-B (Gender and Water Alliance - Bangladesh). GWA-B has implemented four Capacity Building Workshops for the five partner CSOs. The partner CSOs have selected 3 SDGs, and gender indicators for each, which they monitor twice a year. The partner CSOs also have trained each 10 CBOs twice, related to the SDGs. Further all five Modules of the Training Master Manual are translated into Bangla.
- Training Master Manual, the Bangla version
- The Training Master Manual consists of 5 Modules, all directed at a number of selected SDGs and Gender. The Modules are: 1. Introduction and Concepts 2. Gender and SDGs 3. Training and Coaching Skills 4. Organisational skills for Gender Mainstreaming 5. Advocacy. All Modules have excercises, cases, examples and lists of resources.
- Women2030 Training Master Manual, the English version
- The manual TMM which is developed for the Women 2030 project, has 5 modules, all with excercises, examples, cases and resources. The focus is on Gender and 5 SDGs: 5 Gender equality, 6 WASH, 7 Energy, 13 Climate Action, and 15 Biodiversity.
- Manual Maestro de Capacitación para capacitadores #Women2030: Reforzando conocimientos, habilidades y capacidades para implementar las ODS responsables a género
- Este manual fue elaborado bajo el Programa #Women2030, una coalición de cinco organizaciones internacionales de redes de mujeres y género, para implementar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable con Equidad de Género y Justicia Climática. La coalición está conformada por: Mujeres Comprometidas por un Futuro Común (WECF por sus siglas en inglés), el Foro de Asia Pacifico sobre Mujeres, Ley y Desarrollo (APWLD), la Coalición Global de Bosques (GFC), el Programa de Mujeres y Medio Ambiente (WEP), y la Alianza de Género y Agua (GWA).
- Modulo 1. Espanol. Conceptos y enfoques..pdf
- Mód 2. Espanol.Integrando Género en los ODS.docx.pdf
- Mód 3.Español. Género-Capacitacion y Entrenamiento.pdf
- Mód 4.Español. Integrando género en las políticas de una organización.pdf
- Modulo 5 Incidencia con perspectiva de género final esp.pdf