Gender and Water Alliance

Fact Sheet Gender and Water in Mongolia

The fact sheet was written by GWA member Roberta Hawkins and explores issues of how women and men in Mongolia relate differently to water collection, use and management. The findings are based on two months of field work undertaken in the Fall of 2006.

Main findings include:

  • Women and men, boys and girls are all involved in water collection (contrary to international studies which found that only women and girls collect water)
  • Men and boys are more involved in water collection as technological requirement increases (ie. water is collected by vehicle or animal)
  • Men and women in the rural communities participating in this study prioritized similar water uses, irrelevant of whether or not women or men completed the tasks
  • Women are underrepresented in regional water management schemes despite their control over household water management

Download the complete factsheet: Gender and Water in Mongolia Fact Sheet - ENGLISH.pdf (6.0 MB)

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