Publications on gender and water from GWA, it's partners, members and others.
- The 4th edition of the UN World Water Development Report (WWDR4) (2012)
- Volume 1 has a summary of the water and gender chapter in Chapter 4 and in Volume 2 Chapter 35 is on water and gender.
Towards a workable approach to mainstream gender in natural resources management (2012)
- This paper describes the key results and lessons learned of a PSO funded project in which Both ENDS and partner organisations AMICHOCÓ in Colombia, ANCE in Togo and BARCIK in Bangladesh jointly set out to test a practical approach to mainstream gender in their work on natural resources management. This paper aims to share their insights and experiences so far in working with the approach.
What Works for Women: Proven approaches for empowering women smallholders and achieving food security (2012)
- Nine international development agencies have produced this briefing to share the lessons learned based on their experience of promoting gender equality and working with women smallholders and rural women over many decades. The paper concludes with a number of recommendations for policy makers on measures to help close the gender gap in agriculture.
Review of Oxfam’s Women’s WASH Platforms (2011)
- This report is a review of the Women's Wash Platforms as an approach to gender issues in WASH. The WWP's are teams of women established at the village level, working within their own villages to disseminate information on water and sanitation issues, encourage ‘best practices,’ and implement small Oxfam-‐funded projects that they design and implement themselves with the help of Oxfam staff and partners.
- Cartoon booklets on gender and water (2009)
- Together with the famous Brazilian artist Ziraldo Alves Pinto, GWA has developed four booklets about gender and water, specifically targeted at school children and illiterate people.
A Gender Tale of Water and Energy (2008)
- This comic book has been jointly developed by the Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEG) and the WASH programme of the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC). The aim of the booklet is to create awareness on water, energy, and gender issues among primary and lower secondary school students, communities, and community leaders around the world.
- Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook (2008)
- This publication of the World Bank, FAO and IFAD presents a rich compilation of experiences, some of them ongoing, in which agricultural projects have incorporated gender-related components or adapted their operations to allow for gender variables and engage issues that affect men and women differently.
- For Her - It's the Big Issue: putting women at the centre of water supply, sanitation and hygiene (2006)
- The report describes how not only women, but also the community as a whole benefits from involving women in water supply and sanitation projects. It ends with key messages and recommendations.
Water demand management in areas of groundwater over-exploitation (2006)
- The purpose of this research project of DFID was to develop water demand management strategies in areas where aquifers are being over-exploited, ensuring the long-term livelihoods of the vulnerable and poor are safeguarded.
- Gender Perspectives on Policies in the Water Sector (2003)
- This Gender and Water Development Report for 2003 analyses gender mainstreaming in policies related to the water for people, water for food, water for nature and sanitation sectors.
- Tapping into Sustainability. Issues and trends in gender mainstreaming in water and sanitation. (2003)
- A Background Document for the Gender and Water Session 3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2003. This document gives a glimpse of the work that has taken shape in gender mainstreaming at all levels through shared knowledge and action with a range of stakeholders from governments, NGOs, research centers, universities, and community based organisations'. It also provides an analysis of the remaining gaps for increased gender mainstreaming.
- The Gender Approach to Water Management - Lessons Learnt Around the Globe (2002)
- This 16 pages booklet summarises the findings of the Electronic Conference Series Convened by the Gender and Water Alliance January - September 2002. A copy can be obtained by contacting the GWA secretariat or downloaded here
Research report - A Plot of One's Own: Gender Relations and Irrigated Land Allocation Policies in Burkina Faso (1997)
- This Research Report written by Margreet Zwarteveen, and published by IIMI (International Irrigation Management Institute) presents the findings of a case study carried out in the Dakiri irrigation system in Burkina Faso in 1995.
Agriculture Status and Women’s Role in Agriculture in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
- Research paper by GWA member Dr. Hilmi Salem on the contribution of Women to Agriculture and Rural Transformation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the Journal of Agriculture and Crops (2019)