Gender and Water Alliance

"Tutorial for Water Managers: Why Gender Matters" updated and available on our website!

The Tutorial for Water Managers; Why Gender Matters, which was first published in 2006, is now revised and updatedand available here on our website.

The Tutorial for Water Managers; Why Gender Matters, which was first published in 2006, is now revised and updatedand available here on our website.

GWA and Cap-Net developed and published this self learning tool for water professionals and others interested in or responsible for managing water resources together. The tutorial wants to show how addressing gender will improve efficiency of water use and environmental sustainability. Therefore it this tutorial first deals with the general concepts of gender and gender mainstreaming and then specifies to look at the following water sectors: drinking water, sanitation, agriculture and environment (including climate change). But apart from the "why" the tutorial also deals with the "how" of gender mainstreaming. To this end a quick-guide has been included at the beginning of the Tutorial, and in every chapter references and links to manuals, tools, resource centres and case studies are included.

To cater for the different wishes and uses of the Tutorial three different versions have been developed: the complete tutorial, a popular version (which is shorter and does not include the case studies, tools and references) and an interactive popular version (which has the shortened text of the popular version as well as links to the tools, case studies and references). All these version are again available in different resolutions to cater to the different uses of the Tutorial.

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