Gender and Water Alliance


Site News

Gender Mainstreaming in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management

UNEP and GWA developed a second report (2022) with various cases and analysis of gender relations in marine related ecosystems management. The cases show situations in Fiji, Mexico, Federal States of Micronesia, Bangladesh, Zanzibar, Kenya, Indonesia, Barbados, India and The Gambia. There is also one chapter on Covid-19, and various tools and recommendations. The size is 34MB, too large for this website. Please use the UNEP link:

Gender Mainstreaming in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management - Read More…

Launch of new Virtual Museum visualising Water Heritage in India

GWA member Sara Ahmed recently launched a new virtual museum on water heritage in India, Living Waters Museum (LWM): Apart from the exhibition on Women, Water and Work (, many of the stories in the virtual galleries explore the relationship between gender and water.

Launch of new Virtual Museum visualising Water Heritage in India - Read More…

World Oceans Day: Gender and the Oceans

World Oceans Day: Gender and the Oceans

The World Ocean Day on 7 June 2019, focusses on Gender. GWA wrote the document with cases on India, Mexico and Philippines. See Anamika Amani was in New York to represent GWA in the panel. See the report under Water Sectors:

World Oceans Day: Gender and the Oceans - Read More…

Elections for GWA Steering Committee members

Currently the process of election of a new Steering Committee is ongoing. The process is divided in four steps: 1. Members will nominate candidates, supported by one or two organisations. 2. Nominees are screened by the Selection Committee. 3. Information is edited and sent to members. 4. Members can choose 7 persons from the list.

Elections for GWA Steering Committee members - Read More…

GWA wil play soccer for " The Water Entrepreneur " program in Benin.

On Saturday 10 June, GWA will play soccer together with 7 other teams from other organisations or companies, during the annual soccer tournament of Eijkelkamp Foundation to collect money for The Water Entrepreneur Program. Location: Giesbeek, Sport complex " De Does" from 1 pm - 5 pm. The aim of this program is to support 40, preferably female, unemployed graduates to develop a water enterprise with which they offer the rural population of Benin sustainable access to safe drinking water. The idea behind The Water Entrepreneur is to create a situation in which income can be generated from making and maintaining shallow wells. This will provide homes in the Alibori region in Northern Benin access to safe drinking water for a reasonable payment. The Water Entrepreneur’s returns will then be distributed. A savings account will be established to enable the Water Entrepreneurs, the source and the drinking water pumps constructed over these to be maintained and, in time, to enable installation of new wells or development of new ideas. The entrepreneurs will also contribute a percentage of their income to Stichting De Eijkelkamp Foundation to create an investment fund to help train and support new Water Entrepreneurs.

GWA wil play soccer for " The Water Entrepreneur " program in Benin. - Read More…

GWA partners in #Women2030 - an EU funded global alliance to realize the SDGs

GWA partners in #Women2030 - an EU funded global alliance to realize the SDGs

Since May 2016 the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) is partner coordinator in #Women2030, an alliance of 5 global and regional women and gender networks collaborating to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a gender equitable and climate-just way.

GWA partners in #Women2030 - an EU funded global alliance to realize the SDGs - Read More…

E-learning course "Gender in Food and Nutrition Security" online

GWA is proud to announce that the e-learning course "Gender in Food and Nutrition Security" is now online.

E-learning course "Gender in Food and Nutrition Security" online - Read More…

"Tutorial for Water Managers: Why Gender Matters" updated and available on our website!

The Tutorial for Water Managers; Why Gender Matters, which was first published in 2006, is now revised and updatedand available here on our website.

"Tutorial for Water Managers: Why Gender Matters" updated and available on our website! - Read More…

GWA, WECF and GFC join forces in "Gender and Sustainable Development Alliance"

The Gender and Water Alliance has joined forces with Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) International and the Global Forest Coalition in the "Gender and Sustainable Development Alliance"

GWA, WECF and GFC join forces in "Gender and Sustainable Development Alliance" - Read More…

Tool for mainstreaming gender in agricultural water programmes published

Tool for mainstreaming gender in agricultural water programmes published

Togther with FAO and GEWAMED, GWA has developed a practical tool for water professionals in the agricultural sector.

Tool for mainstreaming gender in agricultural water programmes published - Read More…

Dublin Rio Principles: Bridging the Gender Gap in Water Resource Management

Dublin Rio Principles: Bridging the Gender Gap in Water Resource Management

At the UNCSD meeting Rio+20 GWA contributed to the side event "Dublin Rio Principles: Bridging the Gender Gap in Water Resource Management - Where do we stand, what lessons have we learned." This event, moderated by Rejoice Mabudafhasi, South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, discussed gender mainstreaming in the water sector and reviewed progress on strategies, actions, approaches and partnerships on gender mainstreaming.

Dublin Rio Principles: Bridging the Gender Gap in Water Resource Management - Read More…

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