Gender and Water Alliance

Target group

In the context of the GWAPB programme the activities will be targeted to different levels of staff working within the EKN supported programmes; water professionals and other staff in the diverse public and private partner organizations – including technical, academic, and research organizations; GWA Bangladesh members in the SW polder region as well as in other parts of Bangladesh; and local institutions (CBO, Water Users Association) created within the EKN supported programmes. During the Inception Phase, and ongoing throughout the programme, the candidates for the GM work are and will be identified, and their needs for capacity building assessed.

Hence, while GWAPB’s work is directed mainly at different levels of water professionals, staff of water (related) projects and institutions, and policy makers, the ultimate (and indirect) beneficiaries of the programme will be poor women, children and men in Bangladesh who are served by the work of the former group.

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