Gender and Water Alliance

Guiding principles

To achieve the objectives of mainstreaming gender through the programme, the GWA works with organisations and individuals all over the world, working at all levels (from political to grassroots) based on the following principles:
  1. The Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) believes that promotion of water security for both men and women is integral to the efficiency of water resource management initiatives and services.
  2. The Gender and Water Alliance believes in the equitable distribution of responsibilities, burdens and benefits between women and men as well as their equal participation in dialogue and decision-making in the development and management of sustainable water resources.
  3. The Gender and Water Alliance believes that by working strategically and collaboratively, it can add value to the work of organizations working in the water sector at the global, regional, national and local level in the area of gender mainstreaming.
  4. The Gender and Water Alliance believes that by working to strengthen the capacity and role of existing organizations in gender mainstreaming it will be able to work in a manner that is cost-effective and avoid duplication.
  5. The Gender and Water Alliance believes that by working collectively through a strong networking arrangement with its partners it can help to strengthen the objectives of gender mainstreaming.
  6. The Gender and Water Alliance believes it can have significant impact influencing the practice of existing organizations working at the policy, planning, implementation and research level in the water sector.
  7. The Gender and Water Alliance believes that it needs to enhance its impact by mobilising commitments from governments, agencies, professionals, the private sector, CBOs and other civil society organizations to invest in resources required for gender mainstreaming.

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